Pursuant to Act No. 499/2004 Coll., on Archiving and Records Management, as amended, the National Archives supervises the elimination of documents and control of records management at a number of authorities and organizations. This activity is ensured to the extent defined in the general level of Section 3 (1) of Act No. 499/2004 Coll. and at the same time, pursuant to Section 46 (1) (a) and (c) of the same Act, by the Department of Pre-Archival Care and Archive Collections after 1992.
The department provides comprehensive pre-archival care at institutions designated by the law, such as ministries, other central administrative authorities (e.g. Office of the Government, Czech Statistical Office, Czech Mining Office), at legal entities established by law with national scope of activity (e.g. Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting, State Fund for Transport Infrastructure), other organizational units of the state with nation-wide competence and state-funded institution established by them (e.g. Research Institute of Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Philharmonic, Railway Authority) and also at the supreme institutions of justice (e.g. Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office, Supreme Court, Constitutional Court). In total there are more than 300 public agencies.