The National Archives responds to various written inquiries from applicants and prepares expert thematic searches.
Requests for genealogical searches based on registries should be addressed to the relevant state regional archives. The National Archives administers only registers of persons of Jewish origin and cares for archival groups related to noble families. For genealogy inquiries, you must provide as much information as possible to the requested person.
A search request can be submitted in person in the Filling Office or in the Research Room, or sent by mail, data box or e-mail. In some cases, the applicant only needs to complete the form below. Search services provided by the Archives are charged according to the Price List of the amount of reimbursement of costs (PDF – 51 kB). Searches for the agencies of archival records or their legal successors and for state bodies are provided free of charge.
The National Archives is entitled to communicate or confirm only such data from archival records that it administers, or it may recommend contacting another source of information. At the same time, it has no decision-making power in this area. Because in some cases the processing of search requests requires cooperation of several employees of different departments of the Archives, it takes up to several months in complex cases. The applicant is notified of this fact.
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