Instructions for authors
Please email your submissions to the Editorial Department:
Peer-reviewed manuscripts
Manuscripts sent to the Editorial Department for publication in the peer-reviewed section of the journal must meet all the standard requirements of a scientific text. They must be original, self-written, and as yet unpublished. They must also provide full references to sources as per the journal’s citation convention.
The Editorial Department must also be provided with underlying documentation for:
- A foreign-language summary (comprehensively summing up the paper’s findings)
- An annotation (briefly introducing the paper)
- Plate section at print (!) quality with captions
The optimal length of papers is 15–30 “standard pages” (where 1 standard page = 1,800 characters including spaces), with items in the plate section and graphic annex anticipated at roughly one figure per standard page of text. Lengthier texts and plate sections may be considered in exceptional cases, but they require advance consultation with the Editorial Department.
Non-peer-reviewed submissions
These are briefer papers across a broad spectrum of genres, including:
- Information on related events (conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.)
- Methodological insights
- Reviews and annotations of publications released by the National Archives or featuring a significant contribution by the National Archives staff.
Non-peer-reviewed submissions run to approximately 5–7 standard pages. Reviews and similar contributions are approximately 2–5 standard pages long.
Submissions accepted for publication are subject to linguistic, graphic, and editorial revision. Prior to publication, the formatted submission is sent to the author(s) for final authorial proofreading, together with a copyright licence agreement.
Authors give their full consent to the publication of all parts of their paper in both Paginae historiae and on the journal’s website.
Formal requirements
Manuscripts offered for peer review must include:
- An essay with references as per the citation convention
- An abstract (120–150 words)
- A list of illustrations, including the author, where appropriate including the institution that provided the image and the year in which it was produce.
- An underlying text for a foreign-language summary of no more than one standard page summing up all the main tenets of the essay
- Print-quality illustrative material, with illustrations being submitted as separate image files, i.e. not embedded in Word or PDF
- Personal details about the authors, including information relevant to the contract (date of birth, permanent address)
- Keywords (approximately five)
Manuscripts submitted for one of the non-peer-reviewed sections must include:
- An article (references not mandatory)
- A list of illustrations, illustrative material, and personal details about the authors in the same format and scope as for authors of peer-reviewed manuscripts
Instructions for individual parts of the manuscript:
- It is standard practice to adhere to the current rules of formal written Czech/English.
- Please take care to maintain consistency in the text (uniform usage of names and titles), avoid abbreviations whenever possible (where necessary, spell them out upon first use), use the established Czech spelling for foreign place names, and include the name in the original language in parentheses upon first reference.
- The text of the submission must be drafted in Word and saved in rtf or doc format.
- Use A4 size paper, standard Normal style, 12-point Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, and 2.5 cm margins.
- References must be inserted automatically via the References tab.
- The manuscript text, including references, must be submitted unjustified and without hyphenation, page numbering, headers or footers. Within paragraphs, the text is to be written continuously; the Enter key is used only to separate paragraphs.
- No styles should be used, only plain text. Similarly, bullet points, numbering and other graphic markers cannot be used.
- Keep to a single font style, incorporating bold and italics where appropriate.
- Underlining and non-standard letter-spacing are accepted only in exceptional cases and must be consulted with the Editorial Department in advance.
- In the final printed version, only the following font styling options will be used, and only in the cases listed:
- Chapter title, i.e. the title of the paper
- Subtitle (if any) of the paper
- Author’s name
- Titles of the paper’s subchapters (if any)
- Plain text
- Highlighting of plain text with italics
- Highlighting of plain text in bold in roman text
- Footnote superscripts
- Tabular text, where appropriate with highlighted table header and left column, etc.
- Footnotes in uniform font;
- Legend for plate sections (if any).
- Use of automatic text formatting options in Word is not recommended.
- Footnote superscripts should not have spaces before them and should not be followed by a closing parenthesis.
- Typographical rules: Always insert a space after a comma or a full stop. Differentiate between a hyphen (-) and a dash (–). For ranges of years, dates, and pages, use only a dash without spaces (e.g. 1962–1967, 22–26 May 1964, pp. 1–5). Use the keyboard shortcut Alt + 0150. Separate the “%” sign from the number with a space.
- Large attachments of tables and charts must be submitted as separate files, always indicating their location in the text.
- Do not send submissions in PDF format.
Illustrative material
In order to maintain the quality of the journal, it is important to pay attention to the quality of images and to the proper citation of the source of all documents:
- For each figure, the source must be clearly identified. Include the author and/or the institution that provided the image.
- Images freely downloaded from the internet cannot be accepted for publication.
- The author is responsible for securing the rights to use borrowed images (the reproduction of images, archival materials, etc.).
- For the delivery of raster illustrations in data form, it is necessary to use tiff or jpg format with minimal compression (maximum quality). A resolution of at least 300 dpi for scans, and 600 dpi for pencil or ink drawings is required. As a rough guide, each image should be at least 1 MB in size. Please send images unedited.
- No fees are charged for the submission, processing, and publication of a manuscript.
- Submissions are not remunerated.
- The cost of translating the abstract, summary, and keywords is borne by the Editorial Department.
- The cost of translating foreign-language submissions into Czech or English is borne by the Editorial Department.
- Fees for licensing rights to plate sections are paid by the Editorial Department if the author’s text has been peer-reviewed and if the author requests the Editorial Department to secure licensing rights in good time.
In Paginae historiae, references follow the following citation convention:
Národní archiv (henceforth NA), Stará manipulace holding (henceforth SM), sign. K 28/15, box 385.
NA, SM, sign. K 28/15, box 385. Baštecká, Lydia: Instrukce pro hospodářské úředníky klášterního panství Police z roku 1845. Sborník prací východočeských archivů 11, 2007, pp. 149–163.
Klabouch, Jiří: Osvícenské právní nauky v českých zemích. Praha 1958. When repeated Klabouch, J.: Osvícenské právní nauky, p. 56.
Kreuz, Petr: K charakteristice procesního projednávání trestních případů v českých zemích doby předbělohorské. In: Hrdelní soudnictví českých zemí 16.–18. století. Pardubice 1996, pp. 65–80.