PX 2310 — Opening of the main session of the trial before the Chamber of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court in Prague: reading the charges by the Chief Military Prosecutor, list of accused persons, characteristic of their conspiracy.
PX 2311 — Reading of the charges continues, legal classification of offenses and misdemeanours against the then law (the crime of high treason and espionage). The Presiding Judge orders the interrogation of Josef Zenáhlík /court session adjourned/.
PX 2312 — Interrogation of the defendant Josef Zenáhlík – on the essence, forms and extent of his criminal activity.
PX 2313 — Interrogation of the defendant Josef Zenáhlík continues – on the essence, forms and extent of his criminal activity.
PX 2314 — Interrogation of the defendant Josef Zenáhlík continues – on the essence, form and extent of his criminal activity.
PX 2315 — Interrogation of the defendant Josef Zenáhlík continues – on the essence, form and extent of his criminal activity.
PX 2316 — Completion of Josef Zenáhlík’s interrogation. /Court session adjourned./
PX 2317 — Trial resumed. Interrogation of the defendant Hubert Lorenc – on the essence, form and extent of his criminal activity.
PX 2330 — Interrogation of Hubert Lorenc continues with the identification of his contacts to the spy network.
PX 2331 — Completion of Hubert Lorenc’s interrogation /hearing adjourned/. Followed by the interrogation of Václav Tesař – on the essence, form and extent of his criminal activity.
PX 2332 — The interrogation of Václav Tesař continues, confrontation with the testimony of Josef Zenáhlík.
PX 2333 — Completion of the interrogation of Václav Tesař, motives for his criminal activity.
Interrogation of Marie Lorencová – on the essence, form and extent of her criminal activity.
PX 2334 — Interrogation of Marie Lorencová continues, examining the motives for her actions.
/Court session adjourned for 20 minutes./
PX 2335 — Interrogation of Jiří Lorenc, the son of accused Hubert Lorenc.
PX 2336 — Completion of the interrogation of Jiří Lorenc – searching for motives for his actions, about the influence of his father on his actions.
Interrogation of Karel Sládek – on the essence, form and extent of his criminal activity.
PX 2337 — Interrogation of Karel Sládek continues – contacts with Josef Zenáhlík and character of their cooperation.
PX 2338 — Interrogation of Josef Honetschläger – on the essence, form and extent of his criminal activity.
PX 2339 — Completion of the interrogation of Josef Honetschläger, confrontation with the testimonies of other defendants.
/Court session adjourned until the next day, 8 am./
Copy / Edited version
PX 2401 (copy) — Identical to the recording on PX 2310 with a minor overlap at the end.
PX 2402 (copy) — Identical to the recording on PX 2311 with a minor overlap at the beginning.
PX 2403 (edited version) — Edited recording made from the PX 2312 tape.
PX 2404 (copy + edited version) — Identical to the recording on PX 2312 and an edited version of a part of 2313. Directly followed by the tape PX 2314.
PX 2405 (edited version) — Edited version of PX 2314 and 2315 tapes.
PX 2406 (edited version) — Edited version of PX 2315 tape with time overlaps.
PX 2407 (edited version) — Edited version of PX 2316 tape. (= ending with the same sentence as on PX 2316)
PX 2408 (copy) — Identical to PX 2317.
PX 2409 (copy) — Identical to PX 2330 (with minor overlaps).
PX 2410 (copy) — Identical to PX 2331 (with minor overlaps).
PX 2411 (copy) — Identical to PX 2332 (except for the final part, which is missing).
PX 2412 (copy) — Identical to PX 2333 (with minor overlaps).
PX 2413 (kopie) — Identical to PX 2334 (except for the final part, which is missing).
PX 2414 (copy) — Identical to the second part of PX 2334 and with the first part of PX 2335.
PX 2415 (copy) — Contains the second part of the recording on PX 2335 and about half of the recording on PX 2336.
PX 2416 (edited version) — (Edited version of Karel Sládek’s interrogation.)
Contains the closing part of PX 2336 and a first third of the recording on PX 2337.
PX 2417 (edited version) — (Continuation of edited version of Karel Sládek’s interrogation.
/Court session adjourned for 15 minutes./
Interrogation of Josef Honetschläger.)
Contains the second half of the recording on PX 2337 and the first half of PX 2338.
PX 2418 (copy) — (Completion of Josef Honetschläger’s interrogation.)
Contains the final part of the recording on PX 2338 and the whole recording on PX 2339.