Digital research room/archival records on-line

Application for searching information about archival records of the National Archives.

In 2005, the National Archives in Prague joined the Monasterium project. The aim of the project is to make available and free of charge as many charters and other types of documents as possible, especially from Central European monasteries and bishoprics, to the general research public through the website at

The database holds more than 2 million records of individuals whose names appear on the conscriptions.

In recent years, the National Archives has digitized the oldest cadastral maps of municipalities in the territory of the former country of the mid-19th-century Province Bohemia, the so-called Indication Sketches of the Stable Cadastre. A total of 9,138 maps were processed and 199,006 scans were made. Map originals will no longer be provided to researchers. The database for accessing the indication sketches is available on the website of the Czech Office for Land Surveying and Cadastre, under the section Stable Cadastre, Digitized Sketches. If you discover errors in the database, please send notice to the following address:

Archival fonds “German State Ministry for Bohemia and Moravia” is remotely accessible to the public.
Political Trials of the 1950s

Slánský  ⁄  Oatis  ⁄  Zenáhlík