Address for delivery of documents in analogue and digital form on portable media:
Národní archiv, Archivní 2257/4, 149 00 Praha 4
Electronic address of the Filling Office (e-mail address):
National Archives data box identifier: fe3aixh
Rules for confirmation of data message delivery:
Overview of data formats of documents contained in a data message in which we accept documents in electronic form:
Image documents:
Overview of portable technical data carriers on which we accept documents in electronic form:
CD ROM, DVD, USB Flash Drive, USB External HDD
Way of handling data messages that have been detected as having an incorrect data format or computer program capable of causing damage to the information system or information:
When detecting the occurrence of an incorrect data format or a computer program that is capable of causing damage to the information system or to the information being processed and if the defect cannot be corrected in cooperation with the sender, this data message will not be further processed.
Consequences of the delivery of an incomplete or damaged document in analogue form or document in electronic form:
If an incomplete or damaged document is delivered and if the defect cannot be corrected in cooperation with the sender, the document will not be further processed.
Data messages sent to the Archives whose particulars are not regulated by a special legal regulation, e.g. ordinary e-mail communication between office employees and citizens, etc., do not have to be signed by a guaranteed electronic signature.
Complaints, notifications and suggestions do not need to be signed with a guaranteed electronic signature.
Overview of legal regulations that govern the way, procedures and requirements of some legal acts that can be performed in relation to the Archives by electronic means through the electronic filling office of the Archives: