Notice on adjustment of the office hours of the National Archives research rooms

As of November 1, 2022, the official hours of the National Archives research offices are changing as follows:

Monday, Wednesday    9 am – 5,30 pm

Tuesday, Thursday       9 am – 4 pm

Friday closed 

Official requests and applications of researchers submitted in writing will continue to be processed without restriction. Some resources for study are available online, links can be found on



Official hours of the Filling Office of the National Archives do not change:

Mon, Wen 8 am – 12 am 1 pm – 5 pm


Given that all hygienic measures remain still in force, the office hours are intended only for researchers who made a reservation in advance or for official meetings that cannot be delayed and cannot be handled remotely (in writing, electronically or by telephone);

  • The date and time of the research or other official meetings must be approved in advance both by the Archives and the researcher;
  • To order to the Research Room use the Request form for provision of archival records for on-site consulting;
  • State the exact identification of the archival records (references) in the form, date and time of the planned visit and your quick contact. The staff of the Research Room will contact you as soon as possible and will inform you whether the study is possible within the required time. The date and time depends on the current occupancy of the Research Room and the capability to prepare archival records for study;
  • The time to present unprocessed archival records for study is two weeks;
  • You can contact us by e-mail: or, or by phone: +420 974 847 247 (Research Room), +420 974 847 240 (Filling Office)
  • Orders of archival records will be executed in the order in which they were delivered;
  • Visits that have not been pre-arranged cannot be admitted into the Archives;
  • Access to the building and stay in the Research Room is possible only with covered nose and mouth, it is mandatory to use FFP2 respirators;
  • At the entrance to the building and to the Research Room a sanitizer is at disposal for mandatory hand disinfection;
  • Upon entering the Research Room / Filling Office, a researcher is obliged to hand over the completed Statutory Declaration (docx – 110 kB), (PDF – 124 kB) to the staff, to which a valid personal identification document must be submitted;
  • To store your personal belongings, use the locker room for researchers;
  • Before entering the Research Room / Filling Office, wash your hands properly and then use the hand sanitizer;
  • The staff of the research room will determine your place for study;
  • It is forbidden to eat in the premises of the Archives.


All measures may change at any time, following the decision of the superior state administration bodies.


Thank you for your understanding.