Archives in Digital Age
Self-Audit and Certification of Digital Archives in Central European Perspective.
10. – 11. 5. 2018, Národní archiv, Archivní 2257/4, Praha 4 – Chodovec (Lecture Room)
Th 10. 5. 2018
10:00–10:30 Registration, coffee
10:30–10:45 Opening speech / Petr Mlsna, Deputy Minister of Ministry of the Interior
Block A: Possibilities for Self-Audit and Certification of Digital Archives
10:45–12:00 DIN 31644 and Explanatory Notes on the nestor Seal for Trustworthy Digital Archives / Christian Keitel, State Archives Baden-Württemberg
12:00–12:45 Snack break
12:45–13:45 DIN 31644 and Explanatory Notes on the nestor Seal for Trustworthy Digital Archives / Christian Keitel, State Archives Baden-Württemberg
13:45–14:10 Translation of Explanatory Notes on the nestor Seal for Trustworthy Digital Archives and Possibilities for Accreditation of Digital Archives in the Czech Republic / Zbyšek Stodůlka, Milan Vojáček, National Archives Prague
14:10–14:30 Digital Preservation Costs: Theory, Importance, Practise / Zdeněk Hruška, Moravian Library Brno
14:30–15:00 Coffee break
15:00–15:45 Certification of the Digital Repositories in the Czech Republic, Current Situation and Perspectives / Zdeněk Vašek, Charles University Archives Prague
15:45–16:00 Discussion
Fr 11. 5. 2018
Block B: Practical experiences with Audit and Certification of Digital Archives
9:00–9:45 Certification of Digital Archive in Perspective of Hungarian National Archives / Zoltán Lux, National Archives of Hungary
9:45–10:30 Certification by Data Seal of Approval and Audit by ISO 16363 / Katarína Tomková, University Library in Bratislava – Central Data Archive
10:30–11:00 Coffee break
11:00–12:00 nestor Seal – Practical Experience / Christian Keitel, State Archives Baden-Württemberg
12:00–12:30 Summary